Sunrise over Malmberget Gällivare

Sunrise over Malmberget Gällivare

This time of year there isn’t much sunshine at all. A few weeks from now and it won’t even rise over the horizon in Gällivare Malmberget. That doesn’t mean it’s completely dark tough. This photo was taken in Malmberget, near the part of town that has to be moved because of the LKAB mine.  

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Found a couple of Waxwings feeding just beside the road at my brothers house. Really fun to watch as they squabble over the best rowan-berries in the tree.

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Aurora HDR 2017

Aurora HDR 2017

It’s not often I use multiple exposures to get greater dynamic range. However there are times when a HDR (High Dynamic Range) look is just what I want. There a several different softwares that can help you with that and often I just use Lightroom (my default editor). Last year however I bought, Aurora HDR pro (Created by Macphun in collaboration with Trey Ratcliff)  and I’ve been using it occasionally. Recently Macphun released an...

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Summer is coming to an end

Summer is coming to an end

Summer is coming to an end. Birds and squirrels are filling up there reserves, either for traveling south or for staying the winter. In the midst of this feeding frenzy there is also need to keep a lookout for predators. You never know when the sparrow hawk will make a visit....

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