Night and day

Night and day

These two photos were taken only a few hours apart. The first one was shot at about 00:30 and the second at 04:30. They are a bit different in composition but from the same place, just outside Umeå by the coast. The clouds still light up by the setting sun.   Best regards Sven

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Spring is coming

Spring is coming

Slowly spring comes this year. There is still lots of snow and nights are cold. The sun warms, and the snow thaws close to trees. Mice run, franticly, around to gather whatever green food they can find. Still to early to stop feeding the birds though.    

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Autumn gone and Christmas come

Autumn gone and Christmas come

I haven’t had time to go out and shoot as much as I wanted lately. To much work and a coming change of job has taken much of my focus. I will try to get out to my photo hide some time between the holidays.  Here are a few photos of late.   Regards...

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End of summer

End of summer

I haven’t had the time to go out and shoot as much as I would have liked, this summer. Hopefully there will be a great autumn and a lot of time for photography =)  ...

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