Aurora HDR 2017

Posted by on October 2, 2016 in Blog | 3 comments

It’s not often I use multiple exposures to get greater dynamic range. However there are times when a HDR (High Dynamic Range) look is just what I want. There a several different softwares that can help you with that and often I just use Lightroom (my default editor). Last year however I bought, Aurora HDR pro (Created by Macphun in collaboration with Trey Ratcliff)  and I’ve been using it occasionally. Recently Macphun released an upgrade called Aurora HDR 2017, that supposedly had better tone mapping algoritms and faster interface. Well, I got bored last night so I decided to try it out.

The first picture is processed with Aurora HDR 2017. The second is processed with Lightroom CC and Intensify CK (another Macphun software). To me it seems that I can get a bit more HDR look from a singel file with Aurora HDR 2017 than with Lightroom and intensify, and better control of the colours. I do have a bit learning to do, since I didn’t quite get the highlights right, but thats for another time.







  1. Hi Sven,

    Thank you for this brief review and comparison of the two workflows. Looking forward to more photos processed with aurora HDR 2017.

  2. Hi Sven,
    Thank you for this brief review and comparison of the two workflows. Looking forward to more photos processed with Aurora HDR 2017.

  3. Intensify and Aurora are two great softwares that I use in my regular work flow. I’m still amazed at how much detail I can get from a image using Intensify CK.

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