

After several years of nagging, Fredrik finally got his wish granted as Fejs decided to go to Tromsö to shoot whales over the weekend . We ended up driving some 2500 km to get there and back again, but it was well worth it. At Kiruna we made a coffee stop and of course tried to take a night time picture of the mine (cold as h*** due to the wind). Then on to Björkliden where we rented a cabin. The plan to shoot northern lights went out the...

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A big hole

A big hole

This week I visited one of the many mines that exists in northern Sweden. While not the biggest (by far) still an impressive sight.  Fog and snow made it a bit more dramatic than usual =)   On my way home the light from the fading sun gave on one of the many bogs, I passed, a kind of reddish glow. I also found a small lake which had frozen over (probably for the first time this year).

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