10 Stop ND

10 Stop ND

Filters can really make a difference when shooting landscapes. These were shot with a 10 stop ND-filter to smooth out the waves. The only problem with a 10 stop ND-filter is that you’l have a hard time composing the image without taking it off.  

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This bench is right by the sea. Early morning, sun shining, and a cup of coffee right beside me, this is where I’ll sit many summer mornings. Today, alas, it was a bit cold, and the sun was already setting.    

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Telephoto  lenses (like my 300 f/2.8 IS) and cold weather doesn’t always cope well. Often the lens has to cool down to the same temperature as the ambient temperature (or close to) before focusing correctly. This day was no different. At -22 C I had to micro adjust AF to +10 the first hour to get sharp pictures. After 1.5 hours I could dial it down to zero. Needless to say that I nearly froze my fingers of holding the lens and...

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Christmas holiday

Christmas holiday

Christmas Holidays are a welcome respite from work and travels. Finally som time to go out and use that camera and edit som pictures. I’ve even had time for some online training in Photoshop (moderskeppet.se). I feel like I have been working in Photoshop for ages, but still theres is so much to learn. The picture below was, however, edited in Aurora HDR 2017.   Theese are also good times for my squirrels. Big sale on nuts right after...

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White throated dipper

White throated dipper

Today I went out to a small stream nearby to see if the White throated dippers had come back to there winter habitat. To my delight they were back, chasing each other up and down the stream. After an hour or so they started feeding which made it easier to come close enough to get a few shots. A pretty cold day (-10 C) and heat waves from the stream made it hard to get sharp pictures. /Sven

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