Small steps to improvement

Small steps to improvement

Växjö municipality has a long history of restauration regarding the four small lakes surrounding Växjö City. One of many parts in improving water quality in small nutrient rich lakes is providing enough shelter for animal plankton. In this case by adding more water plants. This particular trial was done in the Lake Trummen where water plants had trouble to establish them selves through natural dispersion.     To protect the water...

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Early morning photo walk.

Early morning photo walk.

I decided to get upp early one morning to see if I cold get som shots of the sunrise. Early mornings are often the best time for a nature photographer, due to the lack of human activity. The wild life on the other hand has its most busy hours and if you just sit still and listen a wonderful plethora of sounds can be heard. Birds singing, mice squeaking, squirrels chasing each other, chattering…. What a way to start a new day!...

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At least one of the squirrels who frequently visited my bird feeding last winter is still there collecting nuts. It’s quite fun watching the whole procedure of fetching and hiding nuts. And what an incredible memory they must have to ever find them again =)              

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Sleneset / Lovund 2014

Sleneset / Lovund  2014

At the end of may 2014 FEJS photo and Emils brother Fredrik went on a fishing / photo trip to Norway and the small island of Sleneset (close to Lovund). We were blessed with good weather most of the time and spent many hours in the boat that we hired. We traveled by car from Umeå to Stockvågen (about 70 km west of Mo i Rana) and took the ferry from there to Sleneset. At Sleneset we rented a seaside cottage with room for  7 people. All in all a...

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