A few photos from last week

A few photos from last week

Tuesday a big part of Sweden could witness the phenomena Northern Lights. It was really spectacular. These are of course heavily edited photos due to a really ugly and polluting yellow street light that lit the foreground.     On Sunday me and Göran went out to the bird hide to see if there were any activity. This winter has not been anything near normal and there is very little snow left along the coast. There were lots of small...

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A sunny day

A sunny day

There is definitely spring in the air. Way too soon this far north and a clear reminder of impending climate change. However i can’t help feeling happy about the light and the green that suddenly comes back to nature. It’s still bit to early for spring flowers to appear anywhere but in the most sheltered places of a garden, but still the forest kind of shines. /Sven    

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Baking oven

Baking oven

This old baking oven has probably been in use for over a hundred years. It’s currently found at a place called Gammlia in the town Umeå, where quite many old buildings has been preserved. Today the baker were making a tasty flat bread called Gahkku, which is based on wheat and rye flour. Gahkku is a bread originating from the native Swedish people called Samis (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samer).  

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Springtime is coming closer

Springtime is coming closer

Today it really felt like spring is getting closer. Despite  minus 16 C and some fresh snow, light and sound in the forest gave a premonition of spring. As I filled up the bird feeders I noticed something that looked like blood on one of the feeders. My first thought was that at sparrow hawk had made a visit but was soon corrected. It turned out that one of the squirrels had a nose bleed. Probably a consequence of a fight with another squirrel....

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