

This year we decided to go to Turkey (Side) again due to the convenient direct flight from Umeå.  This is a place where you have to look deep behind the scenery to find anything that resembles normal life, apart from what tourism has created. Antalya, Side and Alanya receives  about 15 miljon tourists every year and there are thousands of hotells. Millions of meals are served every day and a lot of waste is created. Waste water treatment has...

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Midsummer 2015

Midsummer 2015

Time flies and it’s already midsummer. There is still lots of snow in the mountains and the wind is ever blowing. This spring has been slow going and summer seem to hesitate. Today, however, the sun shines and it seems there is still hope for summer. I wish you all a wonderful midsummer and may the sun shine where ever you may be. Photos below were taken on a trip to Östersund earlier this week. Regards Sven    ...

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Early morning

Early morning

Got up early this morning to get some time to my self. A really beautiful morning, the air full of bird song, sun and no wind. There really is something with nature that gives me peace. /Sven    

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Not a close up

Not a close up

Often photos of birds are shown more or less as a portrait. Often cropped very close which leaves little to none of the surrounding shown. There is nothing wrong with this and God knows I have plenty of them my self. There is however a certain charm in showing the environment and, more often than not, the photo becomes a bit more interesting. /Sven   Canon 1dx, 300 f/2.8 is Canon 1dx, 300 f/2.8 is Canon 1dx, 300 f/2.8 is Canon 1dx, 300...

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When shooting architecture perhaps the hardest task is making all the straight lines fit. Lines from roofs, buildings, rails, streets, lamp posts and many more. Sometimes it´s worth the extra step top make sure they fit, even if it takes you close to the edge =) /Sven

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